Wednesday, June 5, 2013


It has been quite a week.  With Kindergarten Graduation on Sunday, 8th Grade Advancement on Monday, and High School Graduation last night, it's been one celebration after the next.  As always, all three were incredibly moving and did a wonderful job of demonstrating just how far our kids have come.  Special thank you to Morah Michelle, Morah Hanielle, and Miss Charna for putting together the Kindergarten Graduation, to Mrs. Kutliroff for taking the lead on the 8th Grade Advancement, and to Rabbi Lubetski and Mrs. Plotitsa for all of their hard work for the High School's event.  Thank you, as well, to all of the other faculty members and volunteers who worked hard to ensure that all three graduations were as beautiful as they were.

Pictures of each of the graduations are now available online.  Click here for Kindergarten, here for 8th Grade, and here for High School.

It seems like each of the past few years, our High School Graduation has had one moment that reflected the special emphasis we place on developing the passions and interests of each individual students in particularly poignant fashion.  This year it was 12th grader Sammy Mayime who decided that instead of the traditional 2 minute speech we ask every student to prepare, he'd offer the following performance instead...

Mazal tov to all of the graduates!  You've made us very proud.