Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Outstanding AP Scores

Our High School AP scores came in last week, and I'm proud to report that once again our students did beautifully.  Of the 62 students in our high schools last year, 19 of them took at least one AP exam last year and several took more than one.  Despite the very high percentage of our total student body who took an exam, the results from our high schools on all four of the tests taken far outdid the national averages (comparisons are to last year's average scores, as national data for this year is not yet available).  These numbers are particularly significant as the students taking AP tests are a self-selected group of the country's most talented and motivated students.  Here's a summary of how we did (Note:  The College Board, who administers the AP exam, considers a score of 3 to be passing.  Most universities award college credit, though, only for a score of 4 or 5):

  • AP English Language and Composition: The national average score last year was 2.88.  Amongst the 10 MHA / FYOS students who took the test, the average was 4.2 - or 46% higher than the national norm!
  • AP Physics B: The national average for Physics was also 2.88.  Only 2 students took the test this year, but their average was a 3.5.
  • AP Psychology: Our AP Psychology results bordered on perfection.  The national average last year was a 3.22.  14 of our students took the test and all but two received a perfect 5, with the others receiving a very respectable 4.  Our school average was a 4.8 - or 51% higher than the national norm!
  • AP US Government and Politics: This was a new offering for our school this year and the results were fantastic.  10 students took the exam and scored an average of 4.2, compared to the national average of 2.78.  Here too, our student scores were 51% higher than the average AP student across the nation.
Congratulations to Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Vaughn, Mrs. Perl, and Mrs. Kutliroff  - and, of course to all of our students - for a job beautifully done!

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