Friday, January 28, 2011

Dorothy's Place

One of the facets of our high school program that we are most proud of, is their emphasis on community service.  Students in both schools are consistently reaching out to those in need in the broader Memphis community and giving of themselves to help make the world a better place.

Thanks to the efforts of Rabbi Noam Stein, in the Girls High School, every Rosh Chodesh has become a service learning day.  After davening, the girls have a special Rosh Chodesh breakfast and then head out to one of three community service opportunities, depending on their particular preference.  Student choice is a key element of our community service program as not all students feel comfortable in all arenas of communal service.  As our goal is that these opportunities foster a life-long love of social service, it is imperative that our students have the opportunity to channel their efforts into something they find meaningful and in which they feel comfortable.

Below are some pictures of one group of girls last Rosh Chodesh at Dorothy's Place, a local home for Alzheimer's patients.  As you can see, wherever they go, they ensure that their presence is felt and that they are making a difference in the lives of others.

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