Monday, March 24, 2014

Girls Shine in Annual GMSG Gala

Our Girls High School took center stage last as they community came out for their annual fundraising dinner.  As always, the entire event - from purchasing and cooking the food, to setting up the hall, to providing the night's entertainment, divrei Torah, food service, and clean up - was done entirely by the girls.  They certainly had help and guidance from adults such as Rabbi Stein, Mrs. Amy Stein, and Mrs. Sara Plotitsa, and learned some tricks of the culinary trade behind the scenes from the talented Ostrow family, but the night itself belonged to our girls.

On a personal level, this dinner was made all the more special due to the girls decision to use this opportunity to pay tribute to their Tanakh teacher, AP Psych teacher, mechanechet, and assistant principal, Mrs. Melissa Perl.  From the moving video they created (which is posted below), to the tree in Israel they planted "in memory of all the paper they used" over the years in her class, to the beautiful book of personal letters from the entire student body, one couldn't help but be touched by their genuine and deep-seated demonstration of admiration and affection for an educator who has clearly made an indelible impact on their lives.

Of course, the very fact that students could put such an event together and express themselves the way that they did, is a reflection more on them then on anyone else.  They should be incredibly proud of what they did and know that we, the school community, are incredibly proud of them.

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