Friday, June 13, 2014

Signing Off

It's been seven years, almost to the day, since I started this blog with this post.  After 527 posts, 80,000 page views and endless memories, the time has come for me to sign off.  I know that Mrs. Shelley Kutliroff, the MHA's new interim Dean, intends to continue sharing all of the wonderful things that happen in this special school with all of you and once she gets settled in she'll reach out and let you know exactly how.

As for me, I'm going to continue blogging on my new site, though the posts will more closely resemble the pieces I've been writing over the years as the Message from the Dean in the school's newsletter.  As these essays are intended to provoke thought about issues critical to education, the Jewish community, and our children's future, I hope you'll subscribe to the site and join in the conversation.

Thank you for reading.  Thank you for caring.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the future and thank you for your work here.
