Friday, August 15, 2008

Tuesday Night Torah

It is with great pleasure that I announce a new community-wide Torah learning initiative that will be hosted by the Cooper Yeshiva High School for Boys. In what is but another wonderful example of the communal cohesion and collaboration that makes this community so special, all three shuls together with the Torah MiTzion Kollel have come together to create a special night of learning each and every Tuesday from 8:30-9:45pm in the Beis Medrash of our Boys High School.

The program is designed for learners of all levels and abilities and the format will range from chavrutot (study partners) to chaburot (small classes) on a wide variety of interesting topics. And, because there is nothing like topping off food for the soul with some good old fashioned soulfood, the learning will be followed by a Tuesday Night Cholent.

To arrange for a regular study partner, please contact either Gershon Yarmush at, Cantor Samberg at, or Jon Wogan at

To those who worked so hard to put this together and who were so diligent in involving the entirety of the community, we can only say tizku le-miztvos! To everyone else, we say keep your Tuesday nights open and make it a time for Torah!

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