Monday, November 30, 2009

Giving for Thanksgiving

The school was alive with Thanksgiving spirit last week.  While our youngest students were busy taking in the sights, sounds, and tastes of Thanksgiving at their Early Childhood Thanksgiving Feast, our older students focused not on taking, but on giving.  Our Elementary School classes spent much of their feast - which also featured a Reader's Theater presentation - packing the toiletries which they had collected, together with a note, into Ziplock bags to be distributed amongst those in our city who cannot afford to purchase such items themselves.

Our Girls High School took it one step further.  Having already visited a home for Alzheimer's patients to help serve a pre-Thanksgiving meal the week before, they took of their own vacation time to serve as part of the volunteer team at the Memphis Thanksgiving Dinner for the Homeless and Hungry.  This annual event feeds over 700 people from the Memphis area who would otherwise go hungry even on Thanksgiving Day.  Here's the Fox News video explaining just how vital this event is and just how special the volunteers, like our girls, are: 

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