Monday, January 31, 2011

Siddur Presentation

Sunday evening was Kitah Alef's moment to shine - and shine they did. With beautiful songs, hand motions, and lines recited in both English and Hebrew, they celebrated the receiving of their very first siddur.  As has long been the custom in our 1st grade, each of the parents came in to school in the weeks prior to Sunday's festivities to work with Morah Chany, our art teacher, in designing a personalized cover for their child's siddur.  The children, though, only got to see their parents' artwork for the first time when Rabbi Greenblatt handed them their siddur at Sunday's performance.  Doing so only adds to both the anticipation and the excitement of the event.

Once again, Morah Chavi Katz outdid herself in preparing our children to showcase the impressive first steps they've taken on their journey into the world of Jewish learning.  The video below will give you a taste of the sights and sounds of the performance.  All of the pictures are available for download here.  Enjoy!

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