Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Torah Show & Tell

I got a special treat yesterday.  As part of the Early Childhood's preparations for Sukkot and Simchat Torah, I got the special privilege of taking them on a "field trip" to our Boys High School Beit Midrash and showing them what the inside of a real Torah looks like.  We talked about where the Torah is kept, what it's made of, how we "turn the page," and where we put it when we want to read it.  Each of the children also got a chance to stand on a chair and look inside at the writing and how close we were to the end.  They were quick to let me know, though, that as soon as we got to the end it would be time to start all over again...

I think all of our Early Childhood students enjoyed their visit, but I have a feeling I enjoyed it even more. Thank you to Miss Katie for filling in for me as the photographer.  As you'll see below, she did a fantastic job!

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